In 1977-78 I bought a sci-fi paperback, I remember titled "Planet of the Gworfs" (or perhaps "Planet of the Gwarfs")

The cover featured your standard, over-the-top 70's sci-fi cover painting with garish green colors, some kind of wolfman-looking creature and a large toad.

It may have been a compendium, but I recall it being a short novel, approx 200-250 pages.

1 Answer 1


A(n incrementally refined) Google Images search for

"planet of the" -apes cover -doctor -daleks

uncovered this:

Planet of the Gawfs by Steve Vance, which according to this blogpost first appeared in 1978.

The cover graphic looks a lot like what you describe: It contains

  • "garish green colors": the whole image has a greenish hue
  • "some kind of wolfman-looking creature": at least a guy with very thick facial hair
  • "a large toad": I'd have classified the humanoid as reptile-like, but your mileage may vary

front cover as described above

  • Not my down vote... but it appears as if your search criteria lacks a certain amount of sincerity.
    – TGnat
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 23:26
  • 14
    @TGnat: What do you mean by "sincerity"? As usual with web searches, I started with one search term or phrase, and then gradually added or excluded additional terms, one by one, to filter away the false positives until I would spot a desirable result, and the cited set of search terms is simply what resulted from that process. I didn't think that needed explaining, but just in case that really was a reason for the downvote, I added a brief clarification to my answer. Commented Jan 12, 2016 at 0:12

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