In the film Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), in the background of a scene where dozens of stormtroopers face Han Solo and Chewbacca in the DS1, we can see a TIE fighter that appears to be, from the camera point of view, landed or 'parked' directly on the ground of an empty docking bay. No wires, no racks or other suspension/landing means can be seen near the starfighter.
I found some Ralph McQuarrie concept drawings from his Star Wars Portfolio showing TIE fighters in a big hangar in the Death Star, and I noticed a couple of TIE fighters on top of a kind of horizontal rail or take-off runways. Also, other TIE fighters are hanging from upper racks.
According to Canon TIE fighters lacked landing gear so, during landing operations, they were retrieved using special cycling racks or small tractor beam projectors. Also, while TIE fighters were structurally capable of "sitting" on the bottom of their solar array wing panels (I assume, assisted by using their repulsorlift cyclers in their wing struts), they were not designed to land or disembark their pilots that way, unless absolutely necessary. Thus, how this TIE fighter is landed?
EDIT: It looks to me that that particular TIE fighter could have been hovering on top of a rectangular lifting/dropping platform usually depicted in docking bays inside the DS1 and star destroyers as shown in these two pictures of hangar bay 327 and wreckage of the Inflictor in Jakku respectively.