In the 2024 anime series Suicide Squad Isekai, we see Clayface, the shape-shifting Batman villain with a malleable clay-like body, joining the infamous team. As is tradition for the Suicide Squad, he's fitted with a neck bomb that Amanda Waller can detonate at will. This bomb also automatically explodes if it doesn't receive an A.R.G.U.S. radio signal for 72 hours.
I'm thinking that given Clayface's powers to manipulate his clay-like body, he can simply eject the bomb. And that even if the bomb detonated, the explosion would not actually harm his reformable clay body.
Despite these apparent advantages, Clayface doesn't attempt to remove the bomb and participates in Waller's missions.
Has the comics universe or other DC media ever addressed this scenario? Is there a precedent where Clayface was implanted with a bomb? If so, did they use some special tech to prevent him from removing it with his shape-shifting powers and make the bomb capable of harming or killing him?
Episode 8 update:
Clayface's bomb does explode, but he's revealed to be unharmed since he can apparently position his brain and heart wherever he desires. Still, I'm interested in whether other DC media have addressed this scenario.