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Questions tagged [order-66]

For questions about "Order 66", an event at the end of the Clone Wars in which the clones of the Grand Army of the Republic turned against their Jedi commanders and terminated them, bringing about the destruction of the Jedi Order. It occurred in *Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith*. Always use on conjunction with the [star-wars] tag.

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5 votes
1 answer

Do we know who the Jedi in the TBB premiere was?

In the first episode of The Bad Batch, we see the aftermath of Order 66 across the galaxy. When the Bad Batch returns to Kamino, they see a covered dead body whose hand drops a lightsaber. Clearly, ...
LongLiveTheJedi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why did Rex order his troops to kill Maul after receiving Order 66?

Order 66 was clear: Execute Jedi for their treason against the Republic. But, after receiving Order 66, Rex also ordered his troops to kill Maul. Why? Maul wasn't a Jedi in any way. I had asked a ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why didn't the Jedi take out the chips of clones?

All clones had chips, so why didn't the Jedi and remaining captains knock out the clones and take out their chips instead of killing them like Ashoka knocked out Rex in The Clone Wars and took out his ...
Ereian Thorne Gerry's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What happened to the Vault under the Jedi Temple after Order 66?

I watched this video: It was about the Vault under the Jedi Temple where the Jedi kept all their credits. This led me to the following question: What happened to the ...
Bane's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Did Yoda and Obi-Wan temporarily liberate Jedi Temple after Order 66?

After Order 66, Yoda and Obi-Wan returned to Jedi Temple and found it occupied by Clones. They do not try to sneak in, instead they openly attack and kill number of Clones. After that, they relatively ...
rs.29's user avatar
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54 votes
6 answers

Is Palpatine's execution of Order 66 legally justified?

Assume the Republic Senate voted for some kind of inquiry to determine if the Supreme Chancellor had acted legally and if there are grounds for impeachment (for example, bear with me here). Even if ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is Cut Lawquane's inhibitor chip activated?

Like all clones, he has an inhibitor chip implanted to ensure absolute obedience to Order 66 when the time finally comes to execute it. However, Cut Lawquane had deserted the GAR and so most probably ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How and why was the 501st Legion on Mandalore and Coruscant at the same time?

Is there an explanation as to why the 501st Legion is on Mandalore for the Siege of Mandalore AND on Coruscant during the initial stages of Order 66? We see Darth Vader and the 501st Legion purge the ...
Josafoot's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How did the clones know it was Palpatine?

In Revenge of the Sith, How did the clones recognize Palpatine when he made the transmission to execute Order 66? Palpatine was hooded and disfigured, so how did the clones know it was him? Do the ...
Zack Murdock's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do Jedi slain by Darth Vader technically count as kills under Order 66?

In other words, is Order 66 a clone-only thing or do any Jedi slain by anyone ordered/sanctioned/hired by Palpatine and his Empire to do so qualify as part of Order 66?
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Did juvenile clones execute Order 66?

At the end of the Clone Wars, there are still countless clones, already out of the incubation vats but not yet of age to be deployed into active service. All of them already have inhibitor chips ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Why was Order 66 called Order 66? [duplicate]

Why did George Lucas (or whoever else) decide to call Order 66... well, Order 66? I'm specifically looking for an out-of-universe answer. I already know that the in-universe answer is, "It came after ...
Davis Jensen's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What was the fate of the disbanded former Jedi order members after Order 66 executed?

The facts are that: From the prequel trilogy, we know that when a Jedi gets emotionally close to another person then he/she is dismissed from the Jedi Order. Anakin was afraid this would happen if ...
Sir. Hedgehog's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Does the Grand Inquisitor know Darth Vader's true identity?

I'm pretty sure this identity of the Grand Inquisitor had been known for some time, though I don't know from where, but the latest episode of Rebels confirm that It seems highly likely that So the ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Did the Jedi Temple Guards defend the Temple against Operation: Knightfall?

The Jedi Temple Guards had one job, defending the Coruscant Jedi Temple However, they did not seem to appear in Revenge of the Sith, even when the Temple was under direct attack from Darth Vader and ...
Rogue Jedi's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

How does the math add up in the success of Order 66?

Edit: Trying to make this less wordy without dropping relevant content. In Star Wars Insider #87, the article Order 66: Destroy All Jedi features an in-universe report for Palpatine by presumably ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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0 votes
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What were the immediate death tolls of Order 66? [duplicate]

As accurately as sources can provide, what were the Jedi death tolls in the immediate aftermath of Order 66: On Coruscant, and how many by Anakin's hand? Outside Coruscant, across the galaxy, to the ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What was the wording of Order 66?

As we know, "Order 66" led the clones to try to kill all the Jedi. But what was the wording of the order itself? Was it simply "kill all Jedi", or was it more complicated?
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What happened to the Force-sensitive children after Order 66?

We know that the Jedi Temple possesses a holocron+memory crystal that contains the location of every Force-sensitive child in the galaxy, and that Darth Sidious coveted those children for his purposes....
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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61 votes
7 answers

Why does Yoda mourn the Jedi after Order 66 is executed?

In Episode 3, Yoda tells Anakin, Rejoice for those around us who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed, that is. ...
Scottie's user avatar
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58 votes
9 answers

Do any clones refuse Order 66?

When the clones are issued Order 66 do any of them refuse to carry out the order?
Daft's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

How many Jedi were there at the time of the purge?

Episode III obviously doesn't show ALL the Jedi being eliminated as a result of Order 66. What I've never heard, though, is how many Jedi were in existence at the time of Order 66. Is there any ...
Shadowman's user avatar
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3 answers

Which worlds were Jedi 'friendly' after Order 66?

After Order 66 was enacted, many Jedi fled to, fought on or holed up on a planet. Many 'Jedi' locations, i.e. planets with Jedi influence, were raided and the Jedi ruthlessly expunged. The question ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How could I survive order 66?

I'm starting up a Star Wars Saga Edition roleplaying game with a few friends, and it's set about 10 years after Order 66 is enacted. Naturally, I wanted to play a Jedi. I'm stumped as to how a Jedi ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Any significance to the number 66 in Order 66?

From what I've found, there were something like 150 contingency orders to help hide the Palpatine's Order 66 and what it was meant to do. The first time I saw Revenge of the Sith, I thought he gave ...
LarsTech's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

Number of Jedi after Order 66?

How many Jedi survived Order 66? Was Master Yoda the only one or are there any more who disappeared into the shadows?
Sinan's user avatar
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