Did Robert E. Howard seriously think that Barbarism is the superior and most natural state of humanity?
As noted in several sources, including the biography Blood and Thunder (Finn, Mark (2006), Monkeybrain, Inc., ISBN 1-932265-21-X), Howard generally was of the opinion that history was cyclic, that ...
Did Robert E. Howard seriously think that Barbarism is the superior and most natural state of humanity?
It seems unlikely Howard is using Conan as a mouth-piece for his true beliefs. The REH wikipedia page isn't too bad, and a careful reading gives several reasons why not.
Robert E. Howard was never ...
Looking for a letter from H. P. Lovecraft to R. E. Howard
MF.210 is referenced here on Reddit, in the original English.
I envy you your sight of a meteorite's fall—or rather, the blaze and
report incidental thereto. Visitors from outer space always ...
Did Robert E. Howard seriously think that Barbarism is the superior and most natural state of humanity?
Howard clearly preferred barbarism.
He had seen civilization's handiwork during the Great Depression and preferred a more honest form of criminal than the bankers that were stealing his neighbors' ...
Did Robert E. Howard write anything other than Conan the Barbarian that’s not a collection of short stories?
Howard wrote only one full-length novel that was published in his lifetime, which he titled The Hour of the Dragon. Many printings rename it Conan the Conqueror. It was serialized in Weird Tales in ...
Which Howard Book features Derketo?
First of all, so we all use the same edition, let's take the text and chronology proposed by Roy Glashan, and the writing order as known.
First mention
The first mention of her name comes in Black ...
Did Robert E. Howard write anything other than Conan the Barbarian that’s not a collection of short stories?
According to a search by author and title type on ISFDb (you may need to be logged in to run it), there are 7 novels credited to Howard, however 2 of those are non-SF, and 3 were completed by others ...
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