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Questions tagged [alien-vs.-predator]

Cross-over movie series which features the Predators from the "Predator" franchise and the Aliens from the "Alien" franchise in a fight to the death. Use in conjunction with the [predator-series] and [alien-franchise] tags.

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58 votes
3 answers

Is Predator ever called Predator in any of the films?

Just because out of universe, we call it Predator, I know that doesn't mean it's actual title or name in universe is Predator. But do we ever hear anyone in any of the Predator or AVP movies refer to ...
Daft's user avatar
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26 votes
6 answers

Does Prometheus contradict Alien vs. Predator?

At the end of Prometheus one sees a creature that looks surprisingly like the xenomorph alien. Does that scene show the actual origin of it? Does it contradict the version from Alien vs. Predator ...
Valerij's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Was the alien skull foreshadowing?

In Predator 2, the hero finds the Predator's collection of skulls, including a skull from the alien in Alien. Was this meant to foreshadow the coming Alien vs. Predator project, or were there no ...
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14 votes
3 answers

Why do Predators flay people? And what do they do with the skin?

Why do Predators flay people? And what do they do with the skin? We know that they collect skulls, but why skin?
Qbik's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

What did the Predator see that made him spare this character?

In Alien vs. Predator (2004), in one scene the Predator is about to kill but it uses its x-ray vision to look inside him and, seeing something, decides not to kill him. Can anybody tell me why the ...
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14 votes
2 answers

Who created the Alien xenomorph?

Since I couldn't post a spoiler as the question itself, I'll clarify what I mean here: The movies ‘Alien vs. Predator’ and ‘Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem’ take place in 2004, a hundred years prior to ‘...
Derek's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How can there be a Xenomorph skull in the Predators trophy case?

This question made me think about what we know about the Xenomorphs. Namely, that they have exoskeletons. How is it the Predators have an exoskeletoned creature's inner skull in their trophy case?
Major Stackings's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How/Where did the Yautjas (Predators) get the Xenomorphs?

The Yautjas (or more commonly known simply as Predators) are an extra-terrestrial race of warriors who hunt for sport and honor. Their hunts included humans and several species (judging from the ...
Shreedhar's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between the Xenomorph in "Alien: Covenant" and the ones in "Alien vs Predator"?

I've been binge watching the whole Alien franchise (following the right time line) and now I'm stuck right after Alien: Covenant because I didn't get one thing. At first I thought that the engineers ...
loky797's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why is Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem so dark?

One of the most common complaints about Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem is that it is way too dark to see anything. I think most viewers will attest to this. My question is why is it that way? It ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How do the Predators select and transport their Trophies?

In the Trophy rooms, we see that Predators have Trophies from their hunts. How do they transport all the human/alien trophies before being picked up from the hunt? Pockets? Or do they only select the ...
Thecrazybull's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Do all the different breeds of the Alien Franchise Xenomorph Queens lay the same kind of eggs?

The Xenomorph incorporates each new species it assimilates into the next generation of Xenomorph. Do all of the different variations of Alien Xenomorph Queens lay the same basic facehugger egg, or is ...
Major Stackings's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How was the Predator able to see the queen?

In AVP, how did the Predator see the Queen at the end, even though Predators only see in infrared without their masks and Aliens do not show up on infra-red? Is this a plot hole?
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6 votes
1 answer

How predators plan to get hosts for their hunt?

In Alien vs Predator (2004) we learn that the Predators use the pyramid as a training ground/arena, where they hunt and breed xenomorphs. Fair enough. When the predators are coming to the temple at ...
jnovacho's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Did the Engineers breed the Yautja?

In the AVP franchise of graphic novels, books, computer games and films, the Engineers, Yautja (Predators) and Xenomorphs are shown to inhabit the same universe and have inhabited (maybe not at the ...
Cearon O'Flynn's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Where do the Aliens come from?

I watched all movies of the Alien series and I'm still unsure about the origin of the Aliens. In the first movie it somehow got onto the Nostromo spaceship. Then in "Aliens vs Predator" there is ...
Rafał Sroka's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Doesn't "Alien vs Predator" contradict the previous movies with regards to Predators and their relation to heat?

In Predator, the girl reveals that the "devil" (the Predator) only comes in the "hottest of years". In the beginning of Predator 2, there is a newscast in the background that states that LA is ...
ventsyv's user avatar
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1 answer

How will the Predator deal with the remaining weapons​ if their owner dies?

I will take the Predator Wolf as the sample. In Alien vs Predator: Requiem, we can saw that Predator Wolf was assigned​ to neutralize the Predalien Queen and finally they both die together in a ...
kit's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

How is Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15 able to mutate Synthetics?

The Alien prequels reveal that aeons ago, life on Earth came into through the machinations of an ancient alien race dubbed the Mala'kaks/Engineers. The Mala'kaks/Engineers accomplished this feat ...
Arbiter Elegantiae's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Has there been a story of Predators mutated by and into Aliens?

In Prometheus, the Engineer was forcefully impregnated by the mutated octopus-like love child of Elizabeth Shaw. After its progeny burst from the Engineer's chest, it resulted in the original Alien ...
King Friday's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

In Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, why does this character get skinned?

In Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (terrible, terrible movie): Aside from the apparent desire of the screenwriter to include a copy (sorry, homage. No, wait, it is just copying) of every memorable scene ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can Predator enhanced vision see other Predators when they are in stealth mode?

Is there any definitive statement within the Predator movies, books, comics or games concerning whether Predators can hide from each other? Do any of their helmet's enhanced vision systems negate the ...
Henry Taylor's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are there any AvP stories that leave out humans?

In both Alien vs Predator movies, as well as any of the comics I've seen, humans get caught between the battles between the xenomorophs and Yajuta (predator species). Does anyone know of examples of ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do Predators store their Combi-Stick?

In the "Alien Vs Predator" series of movies, the Predators habitually carry a Combi-Stick on their backs. Could somebody please tell me what keeps the Predators' Combi-Stick in place on their backs? ...
Thecrazybull's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is the black fluidic substance surrounding stolen armor in The Predator (2018) Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15?

Is the black fluidic substance surrounding stolen armor in The Predator (2018) Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15? The Predator (2018) the end scene has a Yautja storage pod carrying stolen armor [which ...
SierraGospelbearer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Where do Predators keep their mines?

In the 2010 video game Aliens vs. Predator (or AVP 3), when you have the the mines as the Predator, where would they be stored? Do they go on the belt? Because that’s the only place I think it could ...
Thecrazybull's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

In Aliens vs Predator, why does Predator bother dissolving the “evidence”?

I don’t understand why the predator bothers using the dissolving liquid? He is leaving his own evidence everywhere, skinning the cop? Why bother dissolving everyone that has had a Xenomorph burst out ...
Kim's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How could a facehugger attach to a Predator? [duplicate]

The predators have fangs on the exterior of their mouths. Shouldn't these provide some protection from the facehuggers? They show in all the movies they are in that they are capable of moving the ...
Lord Apricot's user avatar
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How do the Predators' Smart-Discs extend and retract?

In the Alien vs Predator video games and the AvP and Predator movies, the Predators' Smart-Discs have the ability to extend and retract. I would like to know how the Disc does this, would it be that ...
Thecrazybull's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Breeding of predalien and predators

In "Alien vs Predator: Requiem" movie the genetic croos of alien and predator - predalien queen, had an ability to fertilize victims, just like facehugger, but with multiple seeds (and straight into ...
Jaroslaw Matlak's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why does it go from Alien vs. Predator to Aliens vs. Predator?

The first film in the mini-franchise that is AVP is titled Alien vs. Predator. The sequel to it is titled Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. Simply, why did the sequel add an "s" to the Alien ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How long does it take the xenomorph to build the hive?

I am curious how fast can a xenomorph build a hive? Does it only take 1 day? Let's take Alien vs Predator: Requiem for example. There is a scene that the hospital is target where the Predalien Queen ...
kit's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Why does the Predator erase the evidence of the Xenomorphs?

In Alien vs. Predator: Requiem, about 30 minutes into the film, shortly after landing: The Predator who is there to clean up the mess melts the face hugger corpses and the bodies of the hosts of the ...
YetAnotherRandomUser's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

In the Alien series, how did the aliens get off their home planet?

In Aliens vs Predator, and the other Alien movies, how did the aliens get off their home planet?
bob's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What weapons do Predators use? [closed]

When I played Aliens versus Predator video game as a Predator, I really enjoyed his set of weapons. I remember the spear, disk, a cannon and a tool for self-healing. In the Aliens versus Predator ...
Rafał Sroka's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How do these pieces of Predator equipment work?

I was wondering if anyone could tell me: How the Predators Plasma Caster works. How the Bio Mask changes vision modes. Finally how the Wrist Blades and Combi-Stick extend and retract.
Thecrazybull's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

What would happen if a Facehugger infected a Predator?

What would happen if a Facehugger infected a Predator? I think since Facehuggers can infect anything, the Predators shouldn't be a long shot. So maybe it would have similarities to both races.
Shayan Khan's user avatar