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Questions tagged [thor-ragnarok]

Used for the 2017 Marvel Cinematic Universe film "Thor: Ragnarok". Always use in conjunction with the tags [marvel] and [marvel-cinematic-universe].

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-7 votes
1 answer

What role did Matt Damon play in Thor: Ragnarok?

Going through filmography of Matt Damon, I found that he acted in Thor: Ragnarok. When I couldn't recall him from my memory of Thor: Ragnarok, I googled. But, his role is nowhere to be found. What ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why didn't Thor lose his power?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Valkyrie told Thor this about Hela: Her power comes from Asgard the same as yours Thor's plan was to unleash Surtur who destroys Asgard, which weakens Hela allowing Surtur to kill ...
Mocas's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why were there Tony Stark's clothes on-board the Quinjet which ended up on Sakaar?

When Hulk turned back into Bruce Banner on Sakaar, Thor gave him Tony Stark's clothes. But, what were Tony's clothes doing in Quinjet? Tony might have helped S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Quinjets' development, ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
4 votes
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Why didn't the Hulk have an obedience disc?

In Thor: Ragnarok most prisoners, Thor included had one. Why not the Hulk? How were they able to make him submit and even get a haircut?
Ericallday's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why didn't the Hulk fight Hela?

We see the Hulk fight against many beings in Thor: Ragnarok. After fighting Fenris he had the opportunity to fight with Thor and team against Hela but didn't. Why not?
Ericallday's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is Hela, in fact, the rightful heir to Odin's throne?

In the movie Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Hela says: "I am Hela, Odin's firstborn... the rightful heir to the throne." Is she, in fact, correct? Is she the rightful heir? I recall lots of people ...
Roger's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Why couldn't Hela defeat Surtur?

In the end of Thor: Ragnarok, Hela failed to stop Ragnarok and presumably died in the battle with Surtur. But, why did this happen given she was so powerful (she destroyed Mjolnir by her hand and ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Is Hela stronger than the Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos?

Is Odin's daughter Hela stronger than the Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos? Is that why she flicked it over as if it was worthless or did she do it because she knew it was a fake?
TheIcePhoenix's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Whereabouts of Odin's spear, Gungnir, after the events of Thor: Ragnarok

In Thor: Ragnarok we see that Loki was on Asgard impersonating Odin since Thor: The Dark World (post credits scene) while he put Odin in a house for the elderly in New York on Earth. Odin did leave ...
Shreedhar's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Where does a worthy person get Thor's power from? [duplicate]

We learned in Thor: Ragnarok that Mjolnir is only a focus for Thor's power, not the source. If so, when a worthy​ being lifts Mjolnir and gains "the power of Thor", where are they getting the power ...
Antheloth's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Why did Hela need Heimdal's sword?

In Thor:Ragnarok, Hela spends a large portion of the movie (off-screen) searching for Heimdal, so she can use his sword Hofund to open the Bifrost. But we saw in the original Thor movie that Odin's ...
Antheloth's user avatar
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13 votes
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At the end of Thor: Ragnarok why don't the Asgardians turn and head for the Bifrost as per their original plan?

At the end of Thor: Ragnarok, the Asgardians are heading for the Bifrost when they are intercepted by Hela's soldiers and Fenris. After they are all destroyed and only Hela herself remained, the ...
Robbie Chiha's user avatar
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3 votes
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Would Ragnarök/Surtur even be capable of destroying the Tesseract?

At the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War, after Thanos announces that he is looking for the Tesseract/Space Stone, Thor informs Thanos that the Tesseract was destroyed on Asgard when Surtur carried ...
Jimmy M.'s user avatar
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65 votes
2 answers

Is there any relevance to Thor getting his hair cut other than comedic value?

Is there any relevance to Thor getting his hair cut other than comedic value? It was a funny scene and leads to a small joke in Avengers: Infinity War but since there is no 'Samson' like effect is ...
Seamusthedog's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is Bruce Banner's human body less fragile because he is also the Hulk?

In Thor: Ragnarok, when Bruce Banner falls from the space ship onto the rainbow walkway to help in the fight against Hela, he falls expecting to change into the Hulk - only to hit the ground as Banner,...
Seamusthedog's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why didn't Doctor Strange check this before he created a portal to Norway?

In Thor: Ragnarok movie, Doctor Strange consulted a book to check if the portal spell required any Asgardian modification. Why didn't he also check for Jotun modification as Loki is actually a frost ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How did Surtur learn that Odin was not on Asgard?

It was Loki who moved Odin out of Asgard. He was clever enough that no Asgardian but him knew. Even Thor learned the fact from Surtur. How did Surtur learn that Odin was not on Asgard?
Doctor Doom's user avatar
15 votes
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What is the "big wooden fork" a reference to?

When Thor and Korg are at the weapons rack preparing to for Thor's fight against the Grandmaster's champion we have the following scene. In it Korg offers up a "big wooden fork" as a weapon ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
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What happened to Thor's shoulder wound in "Thor: Ragnarok"?

At the end of Thor: Ragnarok, after Thor becomes Electric Thor, there is a short scene where Thor tells Loki that Surtur's Crown/Eternal Flame is needed. Within 2-3 minutes, the scene after of Thor ...
King of NES's user avatar
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12 votes
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Is Thor indestructible?

In Thor: Ragnarok, especially, Thor has a monumental battle in the arena with the Hulk receiving not physical damage (ok he got knocked out but didn't even get a black eye) yet in his fight with Hela ...
Seamusthedog's user avatar
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12 votes
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Who is this character depicted in the holograms in Thor: Ragnarok?

In Thor: Ragnarok, when Scrapper-142 captures Thor on Sakaar and he's being prepared to be presented to The Grandmaster, Thor is taken through a "presentation" of sorts giving him a background about ...
Shreedhar's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Does Thor's hammer give power or channel it?

In Thor (2011), Odin said that whoever could lift Mjölnir can gain the power of Thor, by which I assume that he means the power over thunder. Yet in Thor: Ragnarok he goes on about how the hammer ...
yolo's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why does Loki take the Tesseract?

In Thor: Ragnarok, while looking for the Eternal Flame in Odin's vault, Loki comes upon the Tesseract and steals it off screen. In Avengers: Infinity War, Given these events, why would Loki steal ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Why didn't Thor call down lightning against Thanos?

Thor: Ragnarok culminates in Thor realizing that the power of lightning is within him and that he has the power to summon/call/create it. During the beginning scene of Avengers: Infinity War, why didn'...
Sensoray's user avatar
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12 votes
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How old is Hela in the MCU?

In Thor: Ragnarok, when Thor meets Surtur, he claims that: I thought my father [Odin] killed you [Surtur] half a million years ago. Judging by this, it can be assumed that Odin himself is over 500,...
Shreedhar's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What caused Odin to die?

(Please don't explain to me what happened in the movie, i.e. the actual scene. I’ve already seen it 100 times.) I'm asking what did he die from? Frigga was murdered; as were the Warriors Three. But ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Did Odin know how the events of Ragnarok were going to turn out?

In the movie Thor: Ragnarok when Odin, Thor, and Loki met up in Norway, Odin starts off dialogue by emphasizing the beauty of the area. He then begins to elaborate about how Hela was banished and what ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How does Thor see and speak to Odin after Odin moves on?

During Thor: Ragnarok, there are a few instances where Thor is clearly on the ropes in a fight. On the occasions this happens, Thor appears to see Odin as he was in Norway at the beginning of the ...
Ellesedil's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Do the shards of Mjölnir have the same enchantment as Mjölnir?

Now that Mjölnir has been broken by Hela, do the shards still contain the enchantment placed on it? For example, only someone who is worthy can pick up a shard of Mjölnir.
JK.'s user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Does Thor's power come from Asgard? [duplicate]

In Thor: Ragnarok, we see Thor and The Valkyrie discuss about his returning to Asgard. She says if Hela is truly there then Asgard is doomed. She also went on to say "Hela draws her power from Asgard ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

How is MCU Hulk voiced?

Starting in Thor: Ragnarok, Hulk can remain calm enough for long enough to carry on semi-intelligent conversation. Is the voice acting done by Mark Ruffalo? Is it digitally or acoustically altered?
ThePopMachine's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What happened to Odin's treasures after Ragnarok destroyed Asgard?

At the end of Thor: Ragnarok, when Loki runs down to get the skull to reincarnate Surtur we see him passing by all of Odin's treasures (Eternal Flame, Infinity Gauntlet, Tesseract, etc.) and he doesn'...
Hoid's user avatar
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40 votes
1 answer

When did Hulk get so intelligent?

As noted by Thor in Thor: Ragnarok, Hulk was the "stupid Avenger" and as we all know he really wasn't that smart in all the movies he was in - up until Thor: Ragnarok where he suddenly seems to be ...
Hoid's user avatar
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10 votes
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Who are the "princes" that Hela refers to?

In the movie Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Hela, the goddess of death, says to Hogun, who has been standing in-front of her: "It's come to my attention that you don't know who I am. I am Hela, Odin's ...
Silver Eyed Dork's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the beverage Thor is about to drink near the end of Thor: Ragnarok?

Towards the end of the movie, Thor is chilling out on the ship and is about to serve himself a drink, just before he was interrupted by Loki. As can be seen in the following pictures, he picks up a ...
Hans Olo's user avatar
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18 votes
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How, if at all, was Thor unaware of Hela?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor doesn’t seem to have heard of his sister, Hela. He doesn’t know what Odin is talking about when he mentions her. Thor: Father, who are you talking about? And he doesn’t seem ...
Adamant's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How did Valkyrie get to Sakaar?

What did she fly with? How did she know where to go and why wasn't she also imprisoned as a slave?
Elisa Elisija's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Can Hela be killed?

Throughout the whole film Thor: Ragnarok, Hela was shown to be remarkably powerful. Decimating Asgard's army, Loki, and Thor, she has proven herself as being one the best villains in the MCU. With ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why didn't Thor show concern for His friends?

In Thor Ragnarok we see that the warriors three were slain, and Lady Sif was absent for other reasons. Being that they were close, why didn't he at least ask for them or show any concern about them; ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Why did Odin turn into sparkles?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor and Loki find Odin in Norway, but he's at the end of his life and after some heartfelt words, he dies. But instead of having his body fall to the ground, he turns into sparkles,...
Thunderforge's user avatar
-11 votes
2 answers

Did Hulk and Valkyrie have sexual relationship on Sakaar?

I had an argument with a friend last night about relationship status between Hulk and Valkyrie. According to him, Valkyrie would give birth to Hulk's son Skaar in Infinity War or further in MCU. ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Could Thor get himself a new Mjölnir?

After Hela destroyed it, would it be possible for him to get a new one? Or was it unique?
Elisa Elisija's user avatar
-6 votes
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How come Heimdall seemed to have grown dreadlocks between The Dark World and Ragnarok?

In Thor: The Dark World, Heimdall looks bald, maybe because he is wearing a helmet throughout the film, but in Thor: Ragnarok he has long dreadlocks. Where did his hair come from? Did he have hair in ...
Gabriel Fernandes's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Who saved "Scrapper 142"?

In Thor: Ragnarok, we saw that From Tessa Thompson appears as [a] Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok. My question: Is the Valkyrie ...
mplungjan's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Is Loki younger or the same age as Thor?

In many places Loki is described as Thor's youngest brother. However, in Thor:Ragnarok, Thor is talking about an incident from their childhood This one time when we were children he transformed ...
Elisa Elisija's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Why did Thor make Mjolnir look like an umbrella?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor and Loki visit New York City. When they go, Mjolnir is made to appear like an umbrella. Everyone clearly knows that Thor is Thor (even snapping selfies), and it's not like ...
Chumblechops's user avatar
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2 votes
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How did Thor and Loki get their Earthly clothes when they went looking for Odin?

Did they get changed in Asgard or did they pick up some clothes on Earth? Or was it somehow achieved magically?
Elisa Elisija's user avatar
2 votes
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Why did Thor get himself captured?

In the beginning of Thor: Ragnarok, Thor said: Well, sometimes you have to get captured just to get a straight answer out of something. What exactly did he want to find out?
Elisa Elisija's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Why wasn't Loki imprisoned on Sakaar like all the other slaves?

In Thor: Ragnarok, why is Thor captured and forced to be a gladiator, but Loki can just walk around and be friends with the Grandmaster?
Elisa Elisija's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

What was the poem that Thor was reciting while in the chamber with Korg?

During the movie when he first meets Korg we see Thor still grieving the loss of his father. He is on his knees when he begins to quote a specific poem about the brave entering Valhalla. It seemed to ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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