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Sci-fi story with the premise that spacetime geometry is Riemannian

Sounds like Greg Egan’s Orthogonal trilogy. There is considerable technical detail (more than 80,000 words, so enough for another novel) on Egan’s website. Orthogonal is a science fiction trilogy ...
Mike Scott's user avatar
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6 votes

Did they ever deal with non-relativistic kinematics on Dragon's Egg?

Since the cheela would not encounter relativistic velocities in their daily lives, they would use the obvious and intuitive Galilean transformation in the course of normal existence, just as we do. ...
Kyle Jones's user avatar
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Was relativistic time dilation ever a plot point in Star Trek?

Yes. In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Price" (season 3, episode 8) a shuttlecraft piloted by Data enters a wormhole. Communications with the shuttlecraft from the ...
DavidW's user avatar
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4 votes

Poul Anderson novel about beaming humans to the stars with Dyson spheres, then returning after millennia

The plot background of aliens reconstructing humans from DNA data transmitted to the Virgo cluster matches The Genesis Quest (1986) by Donald Moffitt. The title has "Genesis" in it, which ...
DavidW's user avatar
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3 votes

Remembering a movie where humans return to Earth in the Distant future

This is the 'mockbuster' AE: Apocalypse Earth. AE: Apocalypse Earth begins with a segment of the human race escaping the planet after losing a war against alien invaders, in search of a new home in a ...
Valorum's user avatar
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Did they ever deal with non-relativistic kinematics on Dragon's Egg?

I would like to add a little. It's some time since I read the book so I need to skip references. @kyle-jones clearly answers for special relativity. It's effects would hardly be observable. But ...
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