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12 votes

Statistics on Harry Potter chapter length

To calculate this answer I used the text from the official Pottermore ePubs (each chapter is saved as a seperate html file). I ran the htmls through a utility I found to convert them to txt, and then ...
ibid's user avatar
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I'm looking for a short story about a monastery where people use data analysis to improve their lives

"The Things That Make Me Weak and Strange Get Engineered Away" by Cory Doctorow From this review: A data mining monk gets into some Orwellian trouble when he needs to leave the monastery to ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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Is there any mention of mathematicians in Westeros?

The words "math, maths, or mathematics" do not appear in the books. I did a text search on my e-books to confirm this and other mentions as noted below. Most of the time when referring to ...
Skooba - Stands Against AI's user avatar
6 votes

Statistics on Harry Potter chapter length

For the series as a whole, we can tabulate the number of chapters and length of the books, and find the weighted average of the length of a chapter (read this to see what a weighted average is and why ...
Ongo's user avatar
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1 vote

How many snowspeeders (T-47) participated in the Battle of Hoth according to canon?

The official novelisation mentions that there are twelve speeders. Brilliant billows of orange and yellow flames exploded from the walker guns. Nervously the Rebel troopers aimed their weapons at ...
Valorum's user avatar
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