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36 votes

Identifying a TNG episode where Dr. Pulaski instructs another doctor on a sling

This is Season 2, Episode 11 - Contagion. Here is the relevant quote - MEDIC: I've got a problem here. The knitter isn't working. PULASKI: Try a splint. MEDIC: Doctor? PULASKI: Splint. It's a very ...
Tronman's user avatar
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Parasite infecting pets and humans protected by the local law: which Star Trek episode that was?

After a thorough refresher journey through all plot synopses for all episodes of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT: the described events do not conform to any single episode of any of the aforementioned ...
TheMaskedBowler's user avatar
7 votes

What happened to the lifeboats in Star Trek: First Contact?

The official novelisation is quite vague on the subject. It just states that the ship has been returned to 'normal' by the time Picard and Riker are beamed up. This presumably includes surreptitiously ...
Valorum's user avatar
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3 votes

Was the Star Trek society developed by the authors as a transhumanistic one?

No. There's a bias in-universe against transhumanistic developments, and this was almost certainly deliberately built-in. Throughout Star Trek enhancements (biological, electromechanical or other) ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes

Which is the TNG episode where "time warp" is considered as a means of travel?

I wonder if you're thinking of TNG's New Ground where the focus is on a new means of travel - not a time warp, but a soliton space-time wave. As summarized in the linked article: The Enterprise is ...
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