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38 votes

Early 1980s short story (in Asimov's, probably) - Young woman consults with "Eliza" program, and gives it anxiety

Found it! Transference by Sharon Webb, and available here Anxious woman: While she was waiting for the elevator, Marilyn Taylor decided she had eaten too much lunch. She always ate too much when she ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 60.7k
17 votes

Dissociative identity disorder and Coventry

Set This House in Order by Matt Ruff. The protagonist is Andy Gage. He was an abused child and his personality shattered into dozens of separate personalities. The bad personality who was sent to ...
John Rennie's user avatar
17 votes

A short story about a woman who pretends to have dissociative identity disorder

This sounds very much like Multiples, a short story by Robert Silverberg, first published in 1983 and has appeared in many anthologies. The woman is called Cleo - at least that is her "singleton ...
Clara Díaz Sanchez's user avatar
14 votes

A story about suppression of the ultimate secret to resolving all human disagreements

This rather resembles Cyril M. Kornbluth's "MS. Found in a Chinese Fortune Cookie". Protagonist is a writer who one day discovers, well, the answer: When The Answer popped into my head I ...
Eike Pierstorff's user avatar
12 votes

Seeking a short story about psychologically curing a human serviceman of his obsession with an alien female's affection

One-Way Journey by Robert Silverberg Google-translated summary from the French Wikipedia article: The land expedition that has just landed on the planet Kollidor is led by Commander Leon Warshow. But ...
Ayshe's user avatar
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9 votes

Analog story circa 2010 - scientist invents a machine that can detect consciousness in human - and finds many people aren't conscious

This is "Descartes's Stepchildren" by Robert Scherrer which appeared in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January-February 2013. Here is a story summary from Variety SF: A neurologist has ...
David Noble's user avatar
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9 votes

ADHD in the Percy Jackson universe

According to the source novels, Percy was indeed receiving counselling for his ADHD prior to learning about his godly powers. I have moments like that a lot, when my brain falls asleep or ...
Valorum's user avatar
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8 votes

Dragon's egg -- fear of heights?

Yes, they fear heights. With good cause. At 67 billion g, even living at a million times human speed things drop very fast: The first thing they did was to push the large, whole dragon crystal to ...
DavidW's user avatar
  • 143k
7 votes

Extremely disturbing short story with glow in the dark faces on a child’s bedroom wall

You are describing Richard Matheson's 1960 short story, "Graveyard Shift". The story reveals the hideously depraved crimes of a widowed mother, driven mad because the man she loved died ...
Stanley Webb's user avatar
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7 votes

Vulcan Nerve/Shoulder Pinch part of a larger system of martial arts that apparently use "psychic" abilities?

It does not appear like the nerve pinch relies on psychic abilities to work: We see Picard execute one in TNG: Starship Mine, on one of the terrorists. While he may have learned the technique during ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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7 votes

Short story about a psychologist with a punishment/reward machine learning you need punishment to reform malcontents

John Boyd's The Organ Bank Farm. The kids concerned are mentally or emotionally disturbed, and liable to be stripped down for spare parts if they can't be cured in time. This particular child is being ...
Mike Stone's user avatar
  • 13.7k
7 votes

Sci-fi short story about compensation for stress

The story in question sounds like "The Wages of Stress" by Christopher Gilbert. I don't know if it ever was in an anthology or not, the version I read was from Dragon Magazine, issue #103 (...
Sean's user avatar
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6 votes

I'm trying to identify a short story I read in the early 1980s about an escape artist and his nemesis prison designer

This sounds like 'The House of If' by Barry B. Longyear. I first read it in his anthology "It Came From Schenectady". There's a short synopsis here. The story of a man who can’t stand ...
PMar's user avatar
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5 votes

Dissociative identity disorder and Coventry

I have a feeling this book could be Macroscope (1969) by Piers Anthony. Macroscope is SF, the main character (named Ivo) has more than one personality, one of which (named Schon) committed a severe ...
Sotto Voce's user avatar
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5 votes

ADHD in the Percy Jackson universe

1) He mentions in the first book the school counsellor telling him anger management and ADHD management strategies. "The school counsellor told me this was part of my ADHD, my brain ...
Bellerophon's user avatar
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3 votes

What is wrong with Lizzie (the young blonde girl)?

I always assumed she was a sociopath because of how she treated animals, especially the rabbit. She told Tyreese she "was just having fun." But what Ashlyn says above makes sense. Lizzie does have ...
Kiki's user avatar
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2 votes

YA fiction set in late 80's America about a boy and metal numbered cubes

Perhaps Christopher by Richard M. Koff as per Looking for a YA book about a boy that learns to use powers from an adept in a weird house that appears abandoned from the outside? Christopher is 13 and ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
  • 239k
2 votes

Seeking a short story about psychologically curing a human serviceman of his obsession with an alien female's affection

Thanks to my other question spawned by Ayshe's answer, thank you, by the way. We can now also pin down the alien appearance thanks to this archive link of the story from @user14111: the sphincter-...
Malady's user avatar
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2 votes

ADHD in the Percy Jackson universe

It not only mentions that ADHD is something that Percy was getting help for but it also states that the reason for the ADHD in all of the demi-gods is because they are demi-gods. They are hardwired to ...
Case's user avatar
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