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30 votes

What is Artificial Nipple Dilation?

It's a fashion trend. It evidently requires some sort of surgical operation to make the nipples larger and more prominent. Joan Trieste wore skin-tight dark pants and slippers and a cotton man’s-...
Valorum's user avatar
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26 votes

Did Philip K. Dick watch "Blade Runner" before his death?

Philip K. Dick only saw twenty minutes of the film before his death. According to Dick's close friend and confidante Maer Wilson (who spoke to him daily until his death) Philip Dick never saw the ...
Valorum's user avatar
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19 votes

Scene from a PK Dick novel: a subjective world with a huge God-eye in the sky

Eye in the Sky, a 1957 novel by Philip K. Dick. From the Wikipedia summary: After an accident at the Belmont Bevatron, eight people are forced into several different alternate universes. These ersatz ...
user14111's user avatar
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18 votes

What did Asimov think of Philip K. Dick?

In 1986, Asimov wrote an introduction to Dick’s story Impostor for Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories #15 (1953), and criticized him strongly for using drugs: I never met Philip Dick, but I ...
Ubik's user avatar
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Was Philip K. Dick ever involved in design?

It's speaking to the general aesthetic of the two. So basically, the article is trying to point out that The Cube looks like it's something that could have been inspired by PKD (and Ludwig), a toaster ...
Möoz's user avatar
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17 votes

American novel or short story, maybe by Philip K Dick about an artist who goes on a quest to paint God's face

Almost certainly Deus Irae, a collaboration of Philip K. Dick and Roger Zelazny. From Wikipedia page: After 1982, the world experienced a devastating nuclear war. Fallout and radiation has caused ...
Dragan Milosevic's user avatar
16 votes

Philip K. Dick short story about a man who goes to work via a tunnel

Could this be Prominent Author by Philip K. Dick? This review mentions the 'small people' that he encounters on his trip through the tunnel. Henry Ellis is in a tunnel. The commute is actually not ...
Valorum's user avatar
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13 votes

Identify a time tunnel story with Old Testament desert shepherds, probably by Philip K. Dick

This is Prominent Author by Philip K. Dick, published in 1954. A defective Jiffy-Scuttler provides a doorway to the past. One could regard this as an early example of the religious themes that would ...
General Electron's user avatar
10 votes

70s/80s short story (Philip K. Dick?) about a propaganda TV show telling its audience how to think, eventually taken over in a coup

This sounds like the Philip K. Dick short story "The Mold of Yancy" (1955). In that story, the government of Callisto creates the person of Yancy and uses him to guide the population's ...
Dranon's user avatar
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8 votes

What is Artificial Nipple Dilation?

I don't believe it's explained in the story, but given "dilation" generally refers to an expansion with an implication of making it more open, my guess is that, at the least, the ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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5 votes

What is Lies Inc.'s Abba?

It is hard to clarify the content of "Lies, Inc.". The novel starts off fairly normally, but then quickly descends into a confused world of mingled reality and illusion, involving police ...
Clara Díaz Sanchez's user avatar
4 votes

Who portrayed the male newscaster in the movie Imposter?

That's Burt Bulos, listed as Newscaster #3 in the IMDB credits. You can see a video clip of him here; on daytime TV
Valorum's user avatar
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4 votes

On the personal relation between Phil K. Dick and Robert Heinlein?

I just finished reading William Patterson's biography of Heinlein, and he mentions a few items about PKD and Heinlein from Heinlein's perspective. Heinlein knew of him as a writer, and PKD had even ...
user1509379's user avatar
4 votes

What are the different works for Film and Television based on the works of Philip K. Dick?

Amazon has produced another series called Electric Dreams, which is an anthology-type series of episodes inspired by Dick. We finished watching the first season on Amazon Prime. The flavor is Philip ...
David Thornley's user avatar
4 votes

" . . .PALMER ELDRITCH" — Why does Leo ask Blau why he's calling him Leo?

Leo and Felix are both worried that they might still find Palmer Eldritch looking out of their eyes. Leo begins by reassuring Felix, that no matter what changes he'll go through he'll still be himself,...
Simon Bucher-Jones's user avatar
3 votes

How did "A Scanner Darkly" actually end?

I love Louie's response. Pick spring flowers for Donna. Holy crap. As seems his natural style, PKD writes an ending which really stokes the mind and isn't totally clear what it implies in the overall ...
Jay Waxse's user avatar
2 votes

" . . .PALMER ELDRITCH" — Why does Leo ask Blau why he's calling him Leo?

The answer above probably makes more sense, but I thought that perhaps it was a reference to the fact Leo may be a Christ-like figure. Since Leo is the one that to some extent saves the day. That ...
O L ADDY's user avatar
1 vote

Ubik (spoilers) - what is the point of Pat Conley?

I just finished this book and was thinking the same thing! Here's my take: One of the themes in Ubik are opposite forces interacting with one another, making each other stronger/weaker. Psi are ...
jshelley11's user avatar

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